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Professional Services

Manuscript Assessment & Mentoring

My Experience

I’ve been writing and editing stories for more than 30 years. I’ve had 32 novels published by major publishers including Penguin Books, Hachette-Orbit, Simon & Schuster, and Scholastic, and I’ve completed another three books for publication. 16 of these books have also been made into audiobooks by Bolinda Audio and another 5 audiobooks are in preparation.

My Three Worlds epic fantasy novels have been international bestsellers with sales of over a million copies, and my books have been published in Australia, the UK and US and (in translation) in Germany, Russia, the Netherlands, Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Greece, South Korea and Turkey.

My published novels are in the following genres: fantasy, science fiction, thrillers, Young Adult literature, children’s fiction (for both upper primary and mid-primary readers), and humorous children’s fiction. Shorter published work includes many short stories and several novellas.

I’ve also written extensively on:

  • The craft of storytelling, including how to create suspense and tension, conflict, inner conflict, and compelling characters, plus many other topics. Other articles identify each of the common storytelling weaknesses and provide simple, clear advice on how to remedy them;
  • The publishing industry and how it works for authors;
  • Self-publishing (i’ve been self-publishing my out-of-print titles since 2008); and
  • Book marketing and promotion.

Some of these articles have been widely distributed, republished in abbreviated forms by various Australian and international writers’ centres, and used in university creative writing courses. Many of these articles can be read in full under For Writers.

Additionally, I’ve mentored many students and adults in creative writing over the past 20 years, and taught many writing workshops.

In my other life as a marine scientist I’ve written and contributed to hundreds of scientific reports, papers and articles, and acted as technical editor on more than a hundred large environmental reports, impact statements and assessments. My working life has been dominated by writing, editing and proofreading.

I write and read all kinds of popular fiction – stories whose main purpose is to entertain – and I’m happy to review manuscripts in any of the popular genres. I don’t write literary fiction or poetry and I’m not the right person to assess it.

I also have much experience in assessing and editing non-fiction. Please contact me via the Contact Form to discuss your non-fiction project, and I’ll tell you if I’m able to assess it.

What I Can Offer and What It Costs

Manuscript Assessment

Most published books for young adults and adult readers are between 80,000 and 120,000 words, and it is very difficult for beginning writers to get longer books published. It is also very expensive to assess long manuscripts, and before booking an assessment I recommend that you do a final draft focusing on cutting everything unnecessary out of the story. Cutting always improves the story.

I strongly recommend that you don’t submit first or second drafts. It’s almost always a waste of your money for me to assess early drafts because the quality of the story largely comes what the author learns while redrafting it. I recommend third or later drafts.

I will give you frank, honest feedback on your story, feedback that is encouraging and supportive by also highlighting the aspects of storytelling that are well done, and the potential if certain changes are implemented. However if you don’t take critiques well, or find them too painful, a manuscript assessment may not be for you.

The process is as follows:

  1. I read your manuscript at normal speed to gain an overall impression of the story, and make notes.
  2. A slow, analytical re-read, taking detailed notes.
  3. I revise my notes, two or three drafts, re-checking the manuscript where necessary, and email my report to you.
  4. We discuss any points where you need further information or clarification (up to 1 hour). I prefer to do this by email or online chat because it provides clearer information and a written record for you, however we can talk by phone or Skype if you prefer. Please note that this is not a forum for you to argue about the assessment. If you disagree with any of my comments, or feel you know better, it’s up to you what use you make of my advice.

A manuscript assessment focuses on the structural strengths and weaknesses of the story. My assessments cover the following topics:

  • Planning and worldbuilding, including the development of an original story.
  • Characterisation, focusing on the strengths, weakness and effectiveness of the protagonist(s), the supporting characters and the antagonist.
  • Plot and structure, including pacing and predictability, and story logic.
  • Setting, description and imagery, clarity and style.
  • Mystery, conflict, inner conflict, tension and suspense.
  • Feelings and emotions, and how well they’re shown.
  • Dialogue – the quickest way to improve a story.
  • Humour, where present or desirable.
  • Suitability of the story for the intended audience.
  • Suitability of the title.
  • General comments.

Please note that manuscript assessment is not editing; I don’t edit the story for you. However if there are frequent problems with spelling, grammar or punctuation (dialogue punctuation errors are common in manuscripts), I’ll draw them to your attention in the first few pages.

COST (Australian Dollars)
Partial manuscript (the first part) – up to 25,000 words $1,100
Manuscript up to 50,000 words $1,850
Add $150 for each additional 10,000 words.
The minimum charge for an assessment is $1,100.

Follow-up Assessment
For authors who have edited their manuscript based on my previous full assessment and need further input, I’ll re-read the manuscript and provide advice as to how well the previous comments have been used and, where necessary, provide additional suggestions to improve the story.

Cost: 50% of the original assessment fee.

Consultations by phone, email or Skype
Negotiable depending on need and time required.


Negotiable based on author’s requirements and budget. Packages typically range from $2,000 – $20,000.


Negotiable, based on an hourly rate of $220.

Book Reviews and Blurbs

I occasionally do book reviews and blurbs, if I have the time and like the book. I never charge for these and I believe it would be unethical to do so.

How to Book

Please read the Terms and Conditions and, if you accept them, contact me via the Contact Form. I’ll email you, we can discuss the details of your manuscript or project, the work involved in assessment and/or mentoring, and I’ll invoice you. Once the invoice is paid I’ll book you into my schedule.

The assessment will normally be done in 4 – 6 weeks and will typically be around 2,500 – 3,000 words. I may also annotate part of the manuscript for illustrative purposes, though this is not part of my normal service.