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Notes on the Mirror sequel

In the sequel to The View from the Mirror, which I’m working on now, there are two main plots. Spoiler alert! If you haven’t finished The View from the Mirror, you may not want to read on.

I’ll be posting more about the sequel over the next few months. Stay tuned!

Seven years after the ending of The Way Between the Worlds, the west is riven by the Anarchy, and things are getting worse every day

The first plot

As many people will be aware, this plot has to do with Maigraith’s relentless  pursuit of Karan and her daughters. Maigraith wants to mate one of them with her thuggish son, Rulken, in a desperate attempt to create  a new human species to make up for the loss of her beloved Rulke. Naturally, Karan isn’t going to have a bar of this, but she is broke, while Maigraith is wealthy, powerful, and utterly obsessive.

I also wish to point out that certain lies were told about Karan and Llian in The Well of Echoes quartet, and The Song of the Tears trilogy, by people with secret agendas. Believe what was said about them at your peril!

The second plot

Though mancery (the Secret Art) has been used in the Three Worlds for thousands of years, it’s always been difficult, dangerous, painful and limited. Over and again, knowledge that a mancer painfully gleaned in a lifetime died with him or her, for it is a dangerous and unpredictable Art. Whole fields of mancery known to the ancients have been lost.

Only the incomparable magister, Mendark, ever came close to understanding where the power really came from, and how to use it properly. In the last half century of his long life, he sought a way to pull all the threads of the arcane together and truly master mancery.  But Mendark burned his library before he died, and all his work is believed to have been lost …

Previously he had given Llian (a brilliant young Chronicler, now disgraced) access to his library to write the tale of his long life and incomparable deeds, though after Mendark’s unforgiveable corruption came to light Llian vowed never to tell the story. However for the past seven years he has been forbidden to work as a chronicler. It’s crippling his family, causing unbearable conflict with Karan, and eating him alive.

It has never occurred to Llian that his notes for Mendark’s Tale, and his own incredible memory – what he knows that he doesn’t know – could allow Mendark’s great work to be reconstructed, and completed. But it has occurred to others and, in his desperation, Llian will be easy prey for the unscrupulous …

Chassimer Planck, whose Machiavellian struggles with the Council have caused the Anarchy now crippling the west, plans to have Llian accused of a heinous crime, then blackmail him into recovering Mendark’s secret. If Planck gets it, he’ll be able to control the source and the power of all mancery – and every other mancer in the Three Worlds.

And no one will ever be safe again – especially not Llian.

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Allan Pope
Allan Pope
11 years ago

oh my god

David L.
David L.
11 years ago

Sounds good so far. Looking forward to joining Llian and Karan again, and am excited to see what became of Santhenar directly after The Way Between the Worlds. No Stilkeen-esque entities, please. Human (or near-human) characters are so much more interesting.

Rick Lewis
Rick Lewis
11 years ago

I was never one to spend a lot of time reading. But that changed when I happened upon ‘The View from the Mirror’ which I purchased for something to read on a holiday to a secluded villa in Italy. I could not believe how it captivated me. I found myself almost impatiently waiting for the next book to be released. Each new book pulled me in more and more. I eagerly await the sequel. It is a story you never want to see end. More please!!!

Stuart Lodge
10 years ago

Great news! Pleased as punch, and looking forward to reading the new saga!

Ian Irvine
10 years ago
Reply to  Stuart Lodge

Thanks Stuart. Sorry to be so slow in following up. Just writing, writing, writing at the moment.

10 years ago

i am so happy words can not express, i am itching to read this very badly now

Ian Irvine
10 years ago
Reply to  Ryan

Thanks you for saying so, Ryan. It’s a big story; I hope you enjoy it. Cheers, Ian.

10 years ago

I’m just finishing up the Tainted Realm, and I have a small backlog of other books to read…and every time I get a new book in a series, if it’s been a year or more since the last, I feel compelled to re-read to refresh my memory.

So basically I guess I’m gonna have to re-read the whole Three Worlds series somehow! Wish I could still read as good as I used to.

Looking forward to it!

Ian Irvine
10 years ago
Reply to  David

That’s nice to hear, David. Happy reading.

lachlan harris
lachlan harris
9 years ago

Cmon man im waiting :'(

Yakov Clarke-Demaj
Yakov Clarke-Demaj
9 years ago

I read the entire series back in the 8th grade, trudging through the rural Australian public school system it really helped me keep in touch with my literary and imaginative self that was pretty challenged by the ensuing years, i’m now in year 12 studying literature and classics, hopefully off to Uni next year. Part of that is thanks to you mate, your books are fresh, creative, inspiring, and I cant wait to read the new series.
Cheers,and keep up the good work!