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The Summon Stone

The Summon Stone

Book 1: The Gates of Good and Evil

Kill the red-haired child!

The Merdrun, a cruel race embittered by an ancient betrayal and blooded by thousands of years of war, are gathering on Cinnabar, a barren worldlet in the void.

On Santhenar their long-hidden summon stone is waking, corrupting good people as well as bad, and turning arcane places into magically polluted wastelands. If it is not destroyed it will gather enough power to create a portal and call the Merdrun through.

In a nightmare, a nine-year-old girl, Sulien, sees the Merdrun leader, Gergrig – and he sees her. Gergrig orders Sulien killed and brings the invasion forward, to the night of the triple moons.

If Karan and Llian are to save their daughter and their world, Karan must find a way to stop Gergrig, the greatest warrior in the void. Llian has to destroy the summon stone before the night of the triple moons, though he has no idea where it is.

But soon the summon stone will call the Merdrun through and only four flawed people stand in their way:

  • Karan, now hunted relentlessly by a former friend.
  • Llian, framed for murder and forced to betray an ally’s darkest secret.
  • Wilm, a feckless youth who doesn’t yet know anything; and
  • Aviel, a crippled seventh sister – and the unluckiest girl in all the world.

Available in paperback, audiobook and ebook editions.

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» Excerpt: The Summon Stone

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What people are saying...

“Few fantasy authors can build a world with as much care and attention as Irvine, and it is a real pleasure to return to his masterful creation.’

– 4 stars, The Big Issue

“Very few fantasy settings can equal the depth and texture of the Three Worlds. And the climax of the book is absolutely spectacular.”

– 8/10, Superior Realities

“Irvine’s world building and complex characterisations are powerful, and he has ramped up the adventure in this quest tale that involves magic, deceit, greed, jealousy and loyalty. But be warned: the ending is a cliffhanger.’

– 4 stars, RT Book Reviews

“I will always love the sense of adventure I get from reading Irvine novels.’


“Ian Irvine’s stories are tales of betrayal, loss and love, all while telling a thrilling adventure. A fun epic fantasy read.’


Summon Stone Game Theme

I recently wrote the Curse of the Summonstone Adventure Theme for, a great new tool for fantasy roleplaying, worldbuilding, and map making. Check it out at

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